Dr. Ashley holds an AVCA Certification for animal chiropractic. (AVCA stands for the American Veterinary Chiropractic Association). It is for licensed veterinarians and chiropractors to take and is composed of several hundred hours of additional continuing education. After taking the course, there is a 'board' exam and continuing education requirements for the duration of holding the license.
Dogs, cats, horses, sea turtles, giraffes, owls, ferrets, rabbits, etc all have a spine, spinal cord, nervous system and brain. So, chiropractic works the same for them as it does for us! It just may look a bit different.
Animals come in for pain relief, to aid in injury or procedure recovery, preventing injury or degeneration, or improving function and overall health and quality of life.
Chiropractors diagnose and treat subluxations, or the misalignment, joint immobility and/or distortion within the spine and extremities. They can be caused by a variety of events, including macro-trauma, micro-trauma or repetitive events.
If it is repetitive events, which is arguably the most common cause, we and animals will 'brush it off' over and over again until it eventually leads to larger patterns days, months or years later. This could be in the form of arthritis, degenerative changes or an injury and is generally what brings you or your animal through our doors.
Regardless of the injury or distortion, the added stress on the spine and spinal cord can alter the function of the nerves and therefore the overall health of you or your companion!
Chiropractors focus on the nervous system, by way of the spine's function. We understand that the spinal cord is essential for the communication between the brain and body. And since the spinal cord is protected by and encased in the vertebral column, the bio-mechanical integrity of the spine plays a vital role in our health.
We believe that if the body is free of nerve interference, the brain will coordinate all systems perfectly and in the perfect time for that individual.
The purpose of adjustments is to restore mobility and function to the stuck or dysfunctional segments of the spine and/or extremities. By doing this, the nervous system's communication is more efficient and the body can perform at its utmost potential. This can help them heal better, perform better, improve range of motion and more!
We see animals with a variety of conditions including pain, stiffness, muscle spasms, touch sensitivity, lameness, gait imbalances or there may be no symptoms! Our and their bodies are able to compensate to the extent that sometimes we can't even see the imbalances. We also see animals with compensations from vestibular disease, CCL tears, arthritis, degenerative disc disease, recurrent ear infections, hip dysplasia, spinal degeneration, muscle conditions and more.
The AVCA, or American Veterinary Chiropractic Association, is one of two certifications for either chiropractors or veterinarians to acquire in order to offer chiropractic to animals.
If you are from another area and are looking to see if there is a certified animal chiropractor closer to you, please click the link below to find out!
The IVCA, or International Veterinary Chiropractic Association, is the other certification for either chiropractors or veterinarians to acquire in order to offer chiropractic to animals.
If you are from another area and are looking to see if there is a certified animal chiropractor closer to you, please click the link below to find out!
What may my dog do or not do to communicate that he/she is uncomfortable or possibly subluxated?
Here are some suggestions of what your dog may show you if they are ready for their chiropractic adjustment. Again, this is not an all inclusive list but "things" we have seen, understanding that we are not treating these conditions or symptoms. And, there is usually more than one "thing" going on, so it is best to co-manage with your veterinarian!
*Always consult your primary Veterinarian for questions and concerns regarding your dog's condition and health. Dr. Ashley is a Doctor of Chiropractic, NOT a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine. Her focus is to diagnose and treat vertebral subluxations and subluxations in the extremities.
How will I know that my horse is subluxated and needs to be checked?
Here are some common symptoms that your horse may show you when trying to communicate that he/she is uncomfortable due to a subluxation. These are some suggestions that we have seen over time, however, this is by no means an extensive list. And again, we are not treating these conditions.
*Always consult your primary Veterinarian for questions and concerns regarding your horse's condition and health. Dr. Ashley is a Doctor of Chiropractic, NOT a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine. Her focus is to diagnose and treat subluxations in the extremities and vertebral subluxation complexes.
What if my cat is subluxated or uncomfortable? What will he/she show me to indicate or communicate that I should have him/her checked?
Here are some suggestions on what your feline may show you. This is not an all inclusive list but it is a list of what is common to see.
*Always consult your primary Veterinarian for questions and concerns regarding your cat's condition and health. Dr. Ashley is a Doctor of Chiropractic, NOT a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine. Her focus is to diagnose and treat subluxations in the extremities and vertebral subluxation complexes.
** Wild Life Chiropractic serves animals throughout Brevard County, Florida. Animal chiropractic in Melbourne. Animal chiropractic in Satellite Beach.