Dr. Ashley Mincey uses a combination of chiropractic techniques for sports injuries and conditions, pregnancy, degenerative processes, repetitive and work-related injuries and/or posture-related conditions, and many more. She pairs the best chiropractic technique that supports YOU and your current life. If you are well-versed in chiropractic techniques, Dr. Ashley Mincey is trained in the following:
Serving mainly horses, dogs, and cats. However if you have another animal that you would like checked, please ask us about it!
*Animal Chiropractic Disclaimer at the bottom of this page.
**For more details about animal chiropractic and specific tips for canine (dog), feline (cat) and equine (horse) patients, check out the Animal Chiropractic tab at the top of the page under Services!
As a chiropractor, I believe that everyone (sport enthusiast, engineer, accountant, student, retiree, etc and your animal, etc) has the inner wisdom, or innate intelligence, to heal themselves from the inside out when nerve interference is removed and the body is allowed to fully communicate. This is the same power that knew to grow you from 2 independent and separate cells (one from your mother and one from your father) into the complete and complex being you are today. Innate guides all of your body's processes without you even thinking about it, from digestion and assimilation (turning food into "cell food," heart rate and rhythm, breathing depth and rate, wound healing, bone and muscle growth and repair, coordinating muscle contraction, strength, balance, etc.
Through life's many traumas, toxins, thoughts and patterns, many of us are not functioning to our full potential due to nerve interference. And due to the body's amazing ability to compensate, many of these interferences can lie dormant, or asymptomatic, for years and sometimes decades. Eventually, they may present themselves via symptoms, imbalances, weakness or dis-ease.
When the interference is in the spine, we call this a vertebral subluxation and is important because your spinal cord (housed within your spinal column) is the main information train between your brain and all of the tissues, organs, and cells in your body.
Chiropractors are trained in detecting where the nerve interference, or vertebral subluxation, is and in the specific correction of it, called an chiropractic adjustment. Often there are layers of patterns and compensations and this is why it may take a series of adjustments to work to the root cause of the problem. And since we are dynamic, moving beings, constantly interacting with others and our internal and external environments, it is important to have your spine checked regularly by a chiropractor that you resonate with so your compensations and patterns do not lead to symptoms and dis-ease in the future!
We provide chiropractic in Melbourne (conveniently located off of the NW corner of Wickham and Parkway). And we provide animal chiropractic to Brevard County and surrounding areas!
Animal Chiropractic does not dispense medication, perform surgery, inject medications or attempt to replace necessary traditional veterinary care. Underlying pathology should be ruled out by a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine prior to an animal chiropractic evaluation. Co-managing with your Veterinary professional provides what we believe is the best, most wholesome care for your animal.
Chiropractic deals with the spinal column and the nervous system housed within — and with keeping the nerve system healthy for the benefit of the entire animal. Chiropractic care for your horse, dog or cat can also optimize performance through optimizing skeletal biomechanics.